
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Performs a set of actions on a given orchestration.


Attribute Type Description Required
name string The name of the orchestration to perform an action on. True
server string The name of the BizTalk server on which to perform the action. True
failonerror bool Determines if task failure stops the build, or is just reported. The default is true. False
if bool If true then the task will be executed; otherwise, skipped. The default is true. False
unless bool Opposite of if. If false then the task will be executed; otherwise, skipped. The default is false. False
verbose bool Determines whether the task should report detailed build log messages. The default is false. False

Nested Elements:


Starts the orchestration.

If the orchestration is not yet enlisted, then this will be done first.


autoenablereceivelocationbool Specifies whether receive locations associated with this orchestration should be automatically enabled. The default is false. False
autoresumeorchestrationbool Specifies whether service instances of this orchestration that were manually suspended previously should be automatically resumed. The default is true. False
autostartsendportsbool Specifies whether send ports and send port groups imported by this orchestration should be automatically started. The default is true. False



Stops the orchestration.

If the status of the orchestration is Bound, Unbound or Stopped, then no further processing is done.


autodisablereceivelocationbool Specifies whether receive locations associated with this orchestration should be automatically disabled. The default is false. False
autosuspendorchestrationinstancebool Specifies whether instances of this orchestration should be automatically suspended. The default is true. False



Enlists the orchestration by creating its activation subscription.


Attribute Type Description Required
host string Specifies the BizTalk host on which to enlist the orchestration. True



Unenlists the orchestration by removing its activation subscription.


Attribute Type Description Required
autoterminateorchestrationinstance bool Specifies whether instances of this orchestration type should be automatically terminated. The default is false. False



Assembly: NAnt.Contrib.Tasks (0.93.4825.0)