
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Task for supporting labeling of repositories with incremented version numbers. The version number calculated will be concatenated to the label.

Instruments root of repository with versionnumber.xml file.

If this file is not present, it is created and checked into StarTeam. The default version number is 1.0.0. By default the build number is incremented. Properties are present to allow setting and incrementing of major, minor, and build versions.

When label is created, properties are set to expose version information and the new label :

Note: Incrementing or setting major or minor versions does NOT reset the build version.


Attribute Type Description Required
buildversion int Build version number used for label. If this value is set. incrementbuild is ignored. False
incrementbuild bool Increment build version number. The default is true. If buildversion is set, this property is ignored. False
incrementmajor bool Increment major version number. The default is false. If majorversion is set, this property is ignored. False
incrementminor bool Increment minor version number. The default is false. If minorversion is set, this property is ignored. False
majorversion int Major version number used for label. If this value is set, incrementmajor is ignored. False
minorversion int Minor version number used for label. If this value is set, incrementminor is ignored. False
versionfile string Allows user to specify the filename where the version xml is stored. The default is versionnumber.xml. False
label string The name to be given to the label; required. True
buildlabel bool Should label be marked build : default is true False
description string Optional description of the label to be stored in the StarTeam project. False
failonerror bool Determines if task failure stops the build, or is just reported. The default is true. False
if bool If true then the task will be executed; otherwise, skipped. The default is true. False
password string The password used for login. False
projectname string The name of the StarTeam project to be acted on False
revisionlabel bool Should label created be a revision label. The default is false. False
servername string Name of StarTeamServer. False
serverport string Port number of the StarTeam connection. False
timestamp string Optional: If this property is set the label will be created as of the datetime specified. Please provide a datetime format that can be parsed via Parse. False
unless bool Opposite of if. If false then the task will be executed; otherwise, skipped. The default is false. False
url string One stop to set all parameters needed to connect to a StarTeam server. False
username string The StarTeam user name used for login. False
verbose bool Determines whether the task should report detailed build log messages. The default is false. False
viewname string The name of the StarTeam view to be acted on. False



Assembly: NAnt.Contrib.Tasks (0.93.5506.0)