
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Creates or modifies a virtual directory of a web site hosted on Internet Information Server.

If the virtual directory does not exist it is created, and if it already exists it is modified. Only the IIS-properties specified will be set. If set by other means (e.g. the Management Console), the unspecified properties retain their current value, otherwise they are inherited from the parent.

For a list of optional parameters see IIsWebVirtualDir.


Attribute Type Description Required
dirpath directory The file system path. True
accessexecute bool False
accessnoremoteexecute bool False
accessnoremoteread bool False
accessnoremotescript bool False
accessnoremotewrite bool False
accessread bool False
accessscript bool False
accesssource bool False
accessssl bool False
accessssl128 bool False
accesssslmapcert bool False
accesssslnegotiatecert bool False
accesssslrequirecert bool False
accesswrite bool False
anonymouspasswordsync bool False
appallowclientdebug bool False
appallowdebugging bool False
appcreate AppType Specifies what type of application to create for this virtual directory. The default is Pooled. False
aspallowsessionstate bool False
aspbufferingon bool False
aspenableapplicationrestart bool False
aspenableasphtmlfallback bool False
aspenablechunkedencoding bool False
aspenableparentpaths bool False
aspenabletypelibcache bool False
asperrorstontlog bool False
aspexceptioncatchenable bool False
asplogerrorrequests bool False
aspscripterrormessage string False
aspscripterrorsenttobrowser bool False
aspthreadgateenabled bool False
asptrackthreadingmodel bool False
authanonymous bool False
authbasic bool False
authntlm bool False
authpersistsinglerequest bool False
authpersistsinglerequestalwaysifproxy bool False
authpersistsinglerequestifproxy bool False
cachecontrolnocache bool False
cacheisapi bool False
contentindexed bool False
cpuappenabled bool False
cpucgienabled bool False
createcgiwithnewconsole bool False
createprocessasuser bool False
defaultdoc string False
dirbrowseshowdate bool False
dirbrowseshowextension bool False
dirbrowseshowlongdate bool False
dirbrowseshowsize bool False
dirbrowseshowtime bool False
dontlog bool False
enabledefaultdoc bool False
enabledirbrowsing bool False
enabledocfooter bool False
enablereversedns bool False
ssiexecdisable bool False
uncauthenticationpassthrough bool False
vdirname string Name of the IIS virtual directory. True
failonerror bool Determines if task failure stops the build, or is just reported. The default is true. False
if bool If true then the task will be executed; otherwise, skipped. The default is true. False
iisserver string The IIS server, which can be specified using the format [host]:[port]. The default is localhost:80. False
unless bool Opposite of if. If false then the task will be executed; otherwise, skipped. The default is false. False
verbose bool Determines whether the task should report detailed build log messages. The default is false. False



Assembly: NAnt.Contrib.Tasks (0.85.1793.0)