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v0.91-rc1 |
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Task | Summary |
adsigetprop | Used to get the value of a property from an ADSI object. |
adsisetprop | Sets a property on an ADSI object. |
astyle | Formats source code in a given directory to a specified code format. |
btsdeploy | Deploys an assembly to a given BizTalk configuration database. |
btsexport | Exports bindings for a BizTalk assembly to an assembly binding information file. |
btshost | Allows BizTalk (in-process) host instances to be controlled. |
btsimport | Imports bindings from a given assembly binding information file into the specified BizTalk configuration database. |
btsorchestration | Performs a set of actions on a given orchestration. |
btsreceivelocation | Allows BizTalk receive locations to be controlled. |
btsreset | Allows stopping, starting and resetting of BizTalk in-process host instances on the specified server. |
btssendport | Allows BizTalk send ports to be controlled. |
btsunbind | Removes all bindings for a given assembly from a BizTalk configuration database. |
btsundeploy | Removes a given assembly from a BizTalk configuration database. |
cccatcs | Displays a ClearCase config spec. |
cccheckin | Checks files into a ClearCase VOB. |
cccheckout | Checks files out of a ClearCase VOB. |
cclock | Locks ClearCase elements. |
ccmkelem | Creates elements in a ClearCase VOB. |
ccmklabel | Applies a ClearCase label. |
ccmklbtype | Creates a label object in a ClearCase VOB. |
ccrmtype | Removes elements from a ClearCase VOB. |
ccuncheckout | Uncheckout ClearCase elements. |
ccunlock | Unlocks ClearCase elements. |
ccupdate | Updates a ClearCase view. |
cd | Changes the current working directory. |
checksum | Calculates checksums for a set of files. Loosely based on Ant's Checksum task. |
choose |
Executes an alternate set of task or type definition depending on conditions that are individually set on each group. |
codestats | Generates statistics from source code. |
comregister | Register COM servers or type libraries. |
concat | A task that concatenates a set of files. Loosely based on Ant's Concat task. |
deliisdir | Deletes a virtual directory from a given web site hosted on Internet Information Server. |
depends | On execution guarantees the listed dependencies are resolved before continuing. It is particularly useful for handling dynamic dependencies that change based on some input conditions/parameters, or when the dependencies are not known until runtime. |
disco | Discovers the URLs of XML web services on a web server and saves documents related to them to the local disk. The resulting .discomap, .wsdl, and .xsd files can be used with the <wsdl> task to produce web service clients and and abstract web service servers using ASP.NET. |
fxcop | Analyzes managed code assemblies and reports information about the assemblies, such as possible design, localization, performance, and security improvements. |
gac | Manipulates the contents of the global assembly cache. |
gac-install | Installs assemblies into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) by using the gacutil SDK tool. |
gac-uninstall | Uninstalls assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) by using the gacutil SDK tool. |
grep | Searches files for a regular-expression and produces an XML report of the matches. |
hxcomp | Compiles a Microsoft HTML Help 2.0 Project. |
hxreg | Registers a Microsoft HTML Help 2.0 Collection. |
iisapppool | Allows an IIS application pool to be controlled. |
iisdirinfo | Lists the configuration settings of a specified virtual directory in a web site hosted on Internet Information Server. |
iniread | Reads String values in INI files. |
iniwrite | Sets String values in INI files. |
kill | Immediately stops a given process. |
loadproperties | Loads a file's contents as NAnt properties. |
mgmtclassgen | A task that generates strongly typed WMI classes using mgmtclassgen.exe . |
mkiisdir | Creates or modifies a virtual directory of a web site hosted on Internet Information Server. |
mkschanges | Generates an XML file containing the differences between the sandbox and the project in the MKS database. |
mkscheckpoint | Checkpoints a project in an MKS Source Integrity database. |
mksget | Retrieves an item or project from MKS Source Integrity. |
msbuild | Builds the specified targets in the project file using MSBuild . |
msi | Creates a Windows Installer (also known as Microsoft Installer, or MSI) setup database for installing software on the Windows Platform. |
msm | Builds a Windows Installer Merge Module (MSM) database. |
ngen | Pre-translates native code for an assembly containing IL (Intermediary Language bytecode) on the Windows platform. |
nunit2report | A task that generates a summary HTML from a set of NUnit xml report files. |
nunitreport | A task that generates a summary HTML from a set of NUnit xml report files. Loosely based on Erik Hatcher JUnitReport for Ant. |
p4add | Open file(s) in a client workspace for addition to the depot. |
p4change | Create or delete a changelist specification. |
p4client | Add/modify/delete a client spec in perforce. |
p4delete | Open file(s) in a client workspace for deletion from the depot. |
p4edit | Opens file(s) in a client workspace for edit. |
p4info | Returns information from the "p4 info" command back into variables for use within the build process. |
p4label | Create or edit a label specification and its view. |
p4labelsync | Synchronize a label with the contents of the current client workspace. |
p4print | Fetch a specific file from a Perforce depot without needing a clientspec to map it. |
p4reopen | Move opened files between changelists or change the files’ type. |
p4revert | Discard changes made to open files. |
p4set | Set registry variables that perforce uses. |
p4submit | Send changes made to open files to the depot. |
p4sync | Synchronize client space to a Perforce depot view. |
pvcsaddfiles | Adds files to a PVCS repository. |
pvcsadduser | Adds a user to a PVCS project or project database. |
pvcsassigngroup | Assigns a promotion group to versioned files. |
pvcschangegroup | Changes the promotion group for specified versioned files. |
pvcscreateproject | Creates a project in a PVCS repository. |
pvcsdelete | Deletes folder, projects, versioned items and workspaces in a PVCS repository. |
pvcsdeletegroup | Removes a specified promotion group from versioned files. |
pvcsdeletelabel | Removes a label from specified versioned files or projects. |
pvcsdeleteusers | Deletes the specified users from the PVCS access control database. |
pvcsget | Gets files from a PVCS repository. |
pvcslabel | Assigns a version label to a revision of the specified versioned files. |
pvcslock | Locks a revision of the specified versioned files. |
pvcspromotegroup | Promotes versioned files to the next promotion group. |
pvcsput | Puts files into a PVCS repository. |
pvcsrenamelabel | Renames a label in a PVCS repository. |
pvcsunlock | Unlocks revisions of versioned files in a PVCS repository. |
record | A task that records the build's output to a file. Loosely based on Ant's Record task. |
regasm | Registers an assembly for use from COM clients. |
scp | Copies a file to a remote server using scp. |
slingshot | Converts a Visual Studio.NET Solution to a NAnt build file or nmake file. |
sql | A task to execute arbitrary SQL statements against a OLEDB data source. |
sscmbatch | Processes Surround SCM batch files. |
sscmbranch | Creates new branches for Surround SCM. |
sscmcheckin | Checks in files in Surround SCM repository. |
sscmcheckout | Checks out files from a Surround SCM repository. |
sscmfreeze | Freezes branches in a Surround SCM repository. |
sscmget | Gets files from a Surround SCM repository. |
sscmlabel | Creates file or repository labels for a Surround SCM repository. |
sscmunfreeze | Unlocks frozen branches for a Surround SCM repository. |
stautolabel | Task for supporting labeling of repositories with incremented version numbers. The version number calculated will be concatenated to the label . |
stcheckin | Task to check in files to StarTeam repositories. |
stcheckout | Task to check out files from StarTeam repositories. |
stlabel | Allows creation of view labels in StarTeam repositories. |
stlist | List items in StarTeam repositories. |
svn | Executes the svn command specified by the command attribute. |
svn-checkout | Executes the svn checkout command. |
svn-update | Executes the svn update specified by the command attribute. |
trycatch | Executes a set of tasks, and optionally catches a build exception to allow recovery or rollback steps to be taken, or to define some steps to be taken regardless if the tasks succeed or fail, or both. |
typedcollection | Generates collection classes based on a given XML specification file. Code generation is in the specified language. |
validatexml | Validates a set of XML files based on a set of XML Schemas (XSD). |
vb6 | Compiles Microsoft Visual Basic 6 programs. |
version | Increments a four-part version number stored in a text file. The resulting version number is written back to the file and exposed using NAnt properties. |
vssadd | Used to add files to a Visual SourceSafe database. If the file is currently in the SourceSafe database a message will be logged but files will continue to be added. |
vsscheckin | Used to checkin files into Visual Source Safe. |
vsscheckout | Task used to checkout files from Visual Source Safe. |
vssdelete | Used to delete or Destroy files or projects in Visual Source Safe. |
vssdiff | Used to generate differences in a vss database. It will show all changes to a project after the specified label. |
vssget | Used to retrieve an item or project from a Visual Source Safe database. |
vsshistory | Generates an XML file showing all changes made to a Visual SourceSafe project/file between specified labels or dates (by a given user). |
vsslabel | Used to apply a label to a Visual Source Safe item. |
vssundocheckout | Task is used to undo a checkout from SourceSafe |
waitforexit | Waits for a given process on the local computer to exit. |
wsdl | Generates code for web service clients and xml web services using ASP.NET from WSDL contract files, XSD Schemas and .discomap discovery documents. Can be used in conjunction with .disco files. |
xsd | The <xsd> task generates XML schema or common language runtime classes from XDR, XML, and XSD files, or from classes in a runtime assembly. |