Function Reference

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Array Functions
File Functions
FileSet Functions
Windows Installer Functions
Windows Service Functions

Array Functions

Name Summary
array::reverse Reverse the items in an array.
array::sort Sorts the items in an array.

File Functions

Name Summary
file::get-checksum Calculates a checksum for a given file and returns it in a hex string.

FileSet Functions

Name Summary
fileset::get-file-count Determines the number of files within a <fileset>.
fileset::has-files Determines whether <fileset> contains any files.
fileset::to-string Returns a delimited string of all the filenames within a <fileset> with each filename separated by the specified delimiter string.

Windows Installer Functions

Name Summary
msi::get-product-code Returns the product code of the specified Windows Installer database.
msi::is-installed Returns a value indicating whether a product with the specified product code is installed.

Windows Service Functions

Name Summary
service::get-display-name Gets the friendly name of the specified service.
service::get-service-name Gets the name that identifies the specified service
service::get-status Gets the status of the specified service.
service::is-installed Returns a value indicating whether the specified service is installed on a given machine.
service::is-paused Returns a value indicating whether the specified service is paused.
service::is-running Returns a value indicating whether the specified service is running.
service::is-stopped Returns a value indicating whether the specified service is stopped.