
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The <xsd> task generates XML schema or common language runtime classes from XDR, XML, and XSD files, or from classes in a runtime assembly.

The following operations can be performed :

Operation Description
XDR to XSD Generates an XML schema from an XML-Data-Reduced schema file. XDR is an early XML-based schema format.
XML to XSD Generates an XML schema from an XML file.
XSD to DataSet Generates common language runtime DataSet classes from an XSD schema file. The generated classes provide a rich object model for regular XML data.
XSD to Classes Generates runtime classes from an XSD schema file. The generated classes can be used in conjunction with XmlSerializer to read and write XML code that follows the schema.
Classes to XSD Generates an XML schema from a type or types in a runtime assembly file. The generated schema defines the XML format used by XmlSerializer.


Attribute Type Description Required
assembly file Assembly (.dll or .exe) to generate an XML Schema for. False
element string XML element in the Schema to process. False
language string The language to use for the generated code - either CS, VB, JS, VJC or the fully-qualified name of a class implementing CodeDomProvider. False
namespace string Specifies the runtime namespace for the generated types. The default namespace is Schemas. False
outputdir directory The output directory in which to place generated files. False
schema file XML Schema (.xsd) filename. False
target string Target of XML Schema compilation - either classes or dataset. The default is classes. False
types string Types in the assembly for which an XML schema is being created. By default all types in the assembly will be included. False
uri string Specifies the URI for the elements in the schema to generate code for. False
xdr file XDR Schema to generate an XML Schema for. False
xmldoc file XML document to generate an XML Schema for. False
failonerror bool Determines if task failure stops the build, or is just reported. The default is true. False
if bool If true then the task will be executed; otherwise, skipped. The default is true. False
timeout int The maximum amount of time the application is allowed to execute, expressed in milliseconds. Defaults to no time-out. False
unless bool Opposite of if. If false then the task will be executed; otherwise, skipped. The default is false. False
verbose bool Determines whether the task should report detailed build log messages. The default is false. False

Framework-configurable parameters

Attribute Type Description Required
exename string The name of the executable that should be used to launch the external program. False
useruntimeengine bool Deprecated. Specifies whether the external program is a managed application which should be executed using a runtime engine, if configured. The default is false. False

Nested Elements:


The command-line arguments for the external program.

Represents a command-line argument.

When passed to an external application, the argument will be quoted when appropriate. This does not apply to the line parameter, which is always passed as is.


dirdirectory The value for a directory-based command-line argument; will be replaced with the absolute path of the directory. False
filefile The name of a file as a single command-line argument; will be replaced with the absolute filename of the file. False
ifbool Indicates if the argument should be passed to the external program. If true then the argument will be passed; otherwise, skipped. The default is true. False
linestring List of command-line arguments; will be passed to the executable as is. False
path<path> The value for a PATH-like command-line argument; you can use : or ; as path separators and NAnt will convert it to the platform's local conventions, while resolving references to environment variables. False
unlessbool Indicates if the argument should not be passed to the external program. If false then the argument will be passed; otherwise, skipped. The default is false. False
valuestring A single command-line argument; can contain space characters. False

Nested Elements:


Sets a single command-line argument and treats it like a PATH - ensures the right separator for the local platform is used.






Assembly: NAnt.Contrib.Tasks (0.93.4647.0)